JOIN US SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 @ 9:30 AM In Person on Cearfoss Pike or Online - STREAM HERE



Especially during this time when some of us are meeting in person while others are joining in online, we're all still part of this same church body. This fall the leadership is focusing on making sure that ALL of us - despite the distance between us - have the opportunity to participate, grow spiritually, and feel cared for and appreciated.

Take some time and look below for more information on each area, and then let us know what you are currently doing to connect with the body or what you're interested in checking out. Each page you click on will give you a place to sign up so we know you're committed to being a part of this 'connection' process. There's also a spot for you to ask questions or leave us a comment.

Our challenge to you is that you connect in at least three definitive ways: worship, small groups, and service. The time for debate and disconnecting is over. Join us in this effort to specifically CONNECT for the very real needs of this church body and the larger community in our tri-state area.