JOIN US SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 @ 9:30 AM In Person on Cearfoss Pike or Online - STREAM HERE


Our challenge for you is twofold: 1) to take advantage of the Bible and book studies that are offered at various times; and 2) to take advantage of the tools we offer to help in your individual spiritual growth as you Connect with the body of Christ.

A mixture of Bible and topical studies are available at various times and differing venues - Sunday second hour, week-day mornings, on-site, in homes, online - to give you as much opportunity as possible to participate. Details will be listed in Sunday newsletters and in E-News when the studies are taking place.

We also encourage you to utilize the following Personal Growth tools available here:

Snapshots - We believe loving God, others, and ourselves is clearly demonstrated by resolving to:

  • live by 10 Relationship Truths,
  • to work out 10 Relationship Investments, and
  • to participate in 10 Relationship Expressions.

We call these the 30 IDENTIFYING MARKS of a follower of Christ. These marks give focus to much of what we do here at Tri-State Fellowship. The questions in Snapshots seek to assess where you are in light of the 30 IDENTIFYING MARKS.

SHAPE Personal Profile & Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool - Complete the Spiritual Gifts test then use the SHAPE tool to compile and help determine your spiritual goals.

CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE (Coming soon) - This simple tool will help you identify people in your sphere of influence and set goals for investing in their lives.


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