JOIN US SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 @ 9:30 AM In Person on Cearfoss Pike or Online - STREAM HERE




We believe baptism is NOT what enables a person to enter an eternal relationship with God, but it is the public proclamation of identification with Christ after the salvation decision has been made. The key word to remember about baptism is “identification.”  By doing this, you are publicly identifying yourself with Jesus Christ and his work of redemption that you have experienced in your own life.

When we do a baptism at Tri-State Fellowship it is most often late in the summer in the waters of the Conococheague Creek, although circumstances sometimes dictate holding the event inside. If you choose to participate, we ask you to be prepared to speak briefly about why you are doing this - we’re excited to hear your testimony of how you came to know Jesus Christ! We all have a story, and vocalizing it encourages all those who know Christ, and also “preaches” the gospel to any who are yet to personally trust in Him.

If you desire to be baptized, or just have questions, complete the form below and a pastor will contact you.