JOIN US SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 @ 9:30 AM In Person on Cearfoss Pike or Online - STREAM HERE



What is a Marriage Cluster?

A group of 4 to 5 married couples who meet monthly, in a home, to encourage and challenge each other to invest in and intentionally focus on their marriages. It is a place of both encouragement and challenge for the most important human relationship you will ever experience.

What do groups do together?

  • CONNECT: Meet together once a month in a home
  • EAT: Eat great food together
  • WATCH: Watch a short instructive video
  • DISCUSS: Discuss practical principles for marriage
  • WALK AWAY: Leave with action steps to enhance each couple's marriage
  • SAY & PRAY: Say what God has done and Pray for each other
  • DECIDE: Decide after six sessions about continuing to meet

What will groups be studying?

Each group will decide on their own study to fit their individual needs, with the approval of ministry staff.

Want to be part of a Marriage Cluster? Sign up below.

Please note: You will be placed in a group on a first come, first served basis. You may request a group, but be aware if that cluster is full you may be placed in another group.

please sign us up for a marriage cluster!